Monday 18 December 2017

When ED Hits Your Marriage

Erectile dysfunction (ED) condition in man is defined as an inability for maintaining a penile erection that is sufficient for having a sexual activity. Up to 52% of men that lie between the ages of 40 to 70 shall have to experience some Erectile Dysfunction and it is age-related. However, young men now days also experience erectile issues. Stress and relationship issues occur due to low consumption of alcohol, smoking, illicit drugs, a late night or being worried. No matter the cause of ED, medicine like Fildena CT 50 can relieve such issues in minutes. The medicine Fildena CT 50 can help impotent man to attain and maintain stiffer penile for a longer time.

The medicine Fildena CT 50 helps an impotent man to attain and sustain stiffer penile. Erectile issues can lead to immense distress in relationships and for individuals. It is very easy for panicking and to think the worst and question everything. Some men are literally worried for the fact that they might have led to some damage to the penile while planned lovemaking session during masturbating, partners might worry that they are not attractive anymore, the list is still endless.

It is important for recognizing that every man in their life at some time shall have days when a penile erection might be unpredictable. Many of the men find that a few weeks or days later the problem resolves itself. Hence, it is important to be realistic.

In case, you are experiencing night time and spontaneous daytime erections it is a good sign that the flow of blood and the nerve supply to the penile are in good working order.  

If the issue continues and it leads to distressing, this increases your need to visit a GP. This is the time to have that health check one might have been avoiding such issues. Erectile dysfunction condition can often take place at the same time as urinary symptoms, as well as be an early warning sign of underlying vascular disease and other diabetic condition. Hence, it is particularly important for the blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars and urinary analysis are all normal.  Your doctor might also suggest a genital examination.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Worsening Ability to Erect? Try Fildena 50

ED condition is the failure of maintaining and developing an adequate penile erection that is needed for the necessary for penetration while lovemaking session thereby affecting one's sexual life. Though penile erection might be affected temporarily in times of condition like stress or too much indulgence of alcohol, it is the recurrent or continuous inability for getting an erection that needs immediate attention.

Impotence could be due to medical or some psychological reasons. However, both the causes are inter-related as impotence, in turn, can lead to issues of anxiety or stress that leads to a psychological condition.

Penile erection is achieved when nerve endings release neurotransmitters, which causes dilatation of arteries of the penile that leads to an extra blood flow to the area or penile engorgement. Hence, if the nerve endings are damaged due to some of the health issues or arteries are clogged, the condition prevents the penile from erecting, which results in ED. Some of the common medical conditions, which might result in impotence, include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, spinal injury, nerve disorders, drug, and alcohol consumption. Psychological causes of ED include stress, anxiety, fear of getting intimate, any guilt, depression, and other related conditions etc.

Who Does ED Affect a Man?
As per the American Foundation for Urologic Disease, ED condition affects an estimated of 18 million men in the United States. Data has suggested that only a small percentage of men actually seek and receive treatment, even though erectile dysfunction can be treated successfully with Fildena 50 pill. The medicine Fildena 50 is composed of Sildenafil Citrate. It helps an impotent man to attain and sustain stiffer penile for a longer time.

What is the management of Erectile Dysfunction?
The most popular solution for ED is Sildenafil Citrate. However, self-medication is not advisable as it might have adverse reactions. Your doctor might examine your case and prescribe medications as per your health to promote blood flow. Other treatment options for ED include injections, topical applications, penile implants or vacuum pumps. In rare cases, a blood vessel surgery is to be performed.

Friday 1 December 2017

Being Honest and Open About ED Helps!

Being unable to deal with impotence can cause men to lose their self-esteem, get angry, anxious, and frustrated, or even lose interest in making love. This can threaten their relationships and might also result in a condition like depression.

Erectile dysfunction condition is completely treatable, but the time before and while treatment might be difficult. Here is some advice for assisting you and your partner in getting love life back on track.

Be Honest and Open About ED
Numerous men are seen coping with erectile failure, or any other event, which might lead to psychological strain, really needs to talk to someone trustworthy and non-judgmental. Your partner and doctor are most important people that help to recover this condition. Openly discussing health conditions shall make recovery less stressful one will receive help and complete support.

Not being able to attain a perfect penile erection does not necessarily indicate you have ED. In particular, not being able to get a penile erection is expected under the influence of alcohol consumption. Stressful events or periods can also temporary cause erectile dysfunction.

In case, the issue remains in the bloodstream for a longer time, for example, if you fail to achieve a penile erection for more than one in four times, you might be suffering from Erectile Dysfunction condition. In such cases, it is very important for seeking treatment in form of Fildena CT 50 medicine.

Helping Your Partner
Impotence can put a strain on a relationship, especially in the case; there is a lack of communication about the issue between partners. Supporting partner is much needed for his long-term recovery. However, the best way to doing so is to encourage him to seek professional medical advice and provide emotional support.

You and your partner must realize that ED condition is a real condition that needs appropriate treatment like Fildena CT 50. In the long run, this condition can lead to self-esteem and mental health issues.

How to Treat Psychological Issues?
If depression is the cause of ED, the assumption of antidepressants and other forms of therapy are available. However, it is important to note that antidepressants medications can also cause or aggravate impotence issue, hence, ensure you bring this upon consultation with a doctor so you find the most suitable solution.